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The demand for agri-preneurs is growing. Image by ABZ Innovation

Albert Kázmér Faculty of Mosonmagyaróvár

Hungarian-made drones on the world market

The drones designed and manufactured in Hungary by the Szentendre-based ABZ Innovation are attracting more and more attention, as they aim to become worthy competitors of the world’s largest drone manufacturers with their professional products.

For a Hungarian company, entering the industry dominated by American, Russian, Iranian, Turkish and Chinese companies does not seem to be an easy task. But ABZ Innovation has proven that it is possible to break through with quality products and innovative solutions. According to Managing Director Károly Ludvigh, the company is already present in nearly 15 countries and has started to conquer the African market.

The first steps: entering the drone market

Specialised in the agricultural sector, ABZ Drone has been offering complex solutions from the very beginning, from sales to logistics services and education. Over the years, however, they have realised that there is no drone on the market that meets all the needs of its users.

Recognising this shortcoming, ABZ Innovation was born in 2021, co-founded with Széchenyi István University of Győr and the MIB Invest Group. The company’s goal is to fill the market gap with its proprietary drones, while focusing on Hungarian engineering expertise.

Priority segment: agricultural drones

ABZ Innovation develops mainly agricultural drones for professional users, including spraying drones. These machines are equipped with various sensors, programming options and high load capacity to efficiently deliver chemicals or granulates.

The product range currently includes eight different models, ranging from those designed for agricultural use to those suitable for logistical tasks. In addition, the company is also able to meet specific orders.

Individual projects have already produced drones that carry heavy cameras for outstanding image quality, or hold a special light during film shooting. Another specific example of use was the transport of an air pollution measuring instrument.

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